Problem Idea | In-flight Entertainment
In-flight Entertainment refers to the entertainment available to aircraft passengers during a flight. This kind of In-flight entertainment is usual in a form of a Personal Television for each individual passenger on the flight. This type of In-flight entertainment consist of three components: Audio entertainment, Video entertainment and Games entertainment.
From my personal experience of operating a Personal television in an aeroplane for long period of time. Is when using this type of technology is quite complex and difficult to handle. There is a lot of functions that a passenger can select within a personal television, for example the main categories: Information, communication and entertainment. There is also a choice of changing the language for international passengers, which makes it more helpful and easier for them to understand what the controls mean on their personal television. There is an option of observing the plane cameras when setting off, flying mode and landing. There is also an page that shows the passengers how long their journey is and whereabout you are on the global map.
In-flight Entertainment refers to the entertainment available to aircraft passengers during a flight. This kind of In-flight entertainment is usual in a form of a Personal Television for each individual passenger on the flight. This type of In-flight entertainment consist of three components: Audio entertainment, Video entertainment and Games entertainment.
From my personal experience of operating a Personal television in an aeroplane for long period of time. Is when using this type of technology is quite complex and difficult to handle. There is a lot of functions that a passenger can select within a personal television, for example the main categories: Information, communication and entertainment. There is also a choice of changing the language for international passengers, which makes it more helpful and easier for them to understand what the controls mean on their personal television. There is an option of observing the plane cameras when setting off, flying mode and landing. There is also an page that shows the passengers how long their journey is and whereabout you are on the global map.
- When passengers are waiting for their contacting flight they can preselect what they want to watch on a personal account. Then logging onto their personal television on their seat, thus making this much quicker and convenient for them to enjoy their entertainment on the flight.
- I will have to address the different classes of the flight: First class, Business class and economy. Inform the difference when using the personal television (e.g. high quality etc).
- Sorting out what is on the personal television, especially in the entertainment section: Random selection of TV episode in a series or some television season skipped seasons.
- Good feature would be connecting Netflix account to the personal television via mobile phone.
- Improvement of the controller of the personal television, as it is usually a touch screen. Peers suggest making a new gear of a new remote controller. Or even using their phones to control the screen. Evermore, wireless remote control.
- Change of using the headsets
- Using the chat option on the personal television, if passengers are not sat next to each other.
- Food ordering system - typing your order in, thus prioritising your food.
- When producing menus on flights are usually on paper, it must be expensive printing out the menus. Especially if they change the menu or the menus are damaged by the amount of time passengers use it. Therefore, it will be good to put the menu in a digital format. They crew can then update the menu easier.
- Some of my peers suggest it would be good if there could be a short cut to go to the section of the location of the plane on the map. This also includes the live camera video of the plane landing. For example, quickly finding the remain time and distant (ETA) of the journey. Usually it takes a while to find this, its looking through menu after menu.
- Having an alert for food arriving or preparing would be useful.
- Some peers complain about, the interval announcement which pauses the movie or programme passengers are watching. Usually it takes 10 minutes or so to get back to what they were watching. My peers also informed me that, it irritates them that they have to announce in multiple languages. It will be more beneficial to listen to only one language that the passenger only understands.
- Sometimes when there is a connecting flight, when a new passenger abroads the flight. The personal television setting maybe set to a different language which makes it difficult for the other passenger to change it. So maybe it will be helpful to have an international symbol/icon for "Settings" to fix this problem.
- As the personal television selection is so open, it can easy open up with censored images of films. There should be some child protection for this matter, as children might be watching which is inappropriate.
- Some of my peers also recommend to look at other companies which also provided this type of service such as: Virgin Media - enabling entertainment to be controlled by a phone device, International express - has online entertainment.
Overall Problem Question of my Brief is...
How to design a user interface that passengers will have a comfortable experience on a flight?
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