OUGD603 | Extended Practice | Brief 03 | Brand name & Colour Scheme | BBC (Our Generation) - Life being British Born Chinese
Name of Publication/Exhibition?
During our group discussion based on the name (brand) of our title of the publication and possible exhibition idea. We had various amounts of name choices, these were: Not Made in China, This Generation, Our Generation, Generation, Dynasty, Our Dynasty, This Dynasty, 200 years Dynasty and British Born Chinese.
- Not Made in China - the idea of this name is to represent products that tend to be label as "Made in China" and we thought that branding our project with this name could give it a more tongue-in-cheek humour, we also thought about potentially creating stickers or stamps that could be 'branded' on the individual for photographs.
- Generation: This Generation or Our Generation - most of us are the first generation of British-born Chinese in our families, or of similar generation (1st or 2nd), so having the name that includes generation has this very strong united vibe to it, which works well for celebrating the culture as well as the individuals.
- Dynasty: This Dynasty or Our Dynasty - playing with the idea of dynasties in Chinese history, although it sounds quite serious, if we go forward with this name we want to give it a fun twist.
- Other names: 200 years Dynasty and British Born Chinese.
To concluded our choice of the book title we mutually agreed on 'Our Generation' to be our publication title. The reasoning of this name choice was due to the other name choices being quite board and general. While 'Our Generation' is more specific and fits with our brief content appropriately.
For the design for the brand/title 'Our Generation' we both agreed to have a combination of the Chinese characters with the English translation. This allows our Chinese, British born, and non Chinese speakers The typefaces for the English translation are Helvetica and Futura. Whilst the Chinese character typefaces are Kozuka Gothic Pr6N and Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro.
Colour Scheme
The colour scheme we both mutually agreed on were using the primary colours (red, blue and yellow) for publication and possible exhibition. The primary colour selection for the publication/exhibition? They have different tones, vibrants, warmth, cool, shades of the colours blue, red and yellow. We both mutually agreed to use the bottom set of the primary colours (red, yellow and blue).
Colours scheme read horizontally left to right |
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